Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Compression socks

Runners World April issue has an article on them. The Globe and Mail recently had an article on them. Both with no great revelations. Everyone wearing them at races looks like I should recognize them from my Grade Three gym class. I'm keeping an open mind and may have to try wearing them during a race soon.

Report here if you have tried compression socks and come to any mind-blowing conclusions about their efficacy.



At April 19, 2009 11:05 AM , Blogger Laurel said...

And this from the Running Times May 2008 issue:

"The primary rationale behind wearing compression socks in a race is that they may enhance venous return to the heart through a more efficient calf muscle pump, leading to increased endurance capacity. And there is the notion that because muscles are kept more compact, balance and proprioception are improved and muscle fatigue is minimized.

However, a study presented at the 2007 American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting in New Orleans suggested there were no statistically significant differences in maximal oxygen consumption, heart rate or minute ventilation between treadmill runners who wore compression socks and those who did not. According to the study, conducted at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, subjects did, however, show a faster lactate recovery rate after exercise when wearing the compression socks, suggesting that compression socks might speed recovery after a strenuous workout or a race.

So wear them in a race if it suits you, but definitely wear them after the race."

Then on another site, a couple of doctors said 'you should really consult with your doctor' before deciding if they are right for you.
As there are different weights. 15mmMG which is Mild; 15-20mmMG Moderate and 20-30mmMG which is Strong. People should not be confused with the Medical socks. There are fitness compression socks now being made. Some dont even have a 'foot'. They just cover from the ankle to the knee so athlete can still wear their sport socks on top. ZOOT claims to have a great CompressRX Sock for Women now. I think the 'jury' is still out on this, right now it may be like the 'lucky rabbits foot' syndrome...people all have their little set habits for racing that work for them but may not be good for others. I think more research will have to be done. I will be interested to see any feedback that you get back from ones who have tried them.


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