Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bad behaviour on the roads

I'm pretty confident that grouchy is not an adjective people would choose to describe me. Today was an exception.

When I am grouchy it's usually because I am suffering sleep deprivation. Or, the water turned cold in the middle of my shower.

But today the cranky side of me came out during a walk!

First, the group of runners/walkers who feel entitled to leave marks all over Oakville sidewalks, trails, and roads had defaced my route with NEON ORANGE. I shouted that in caps so that you'd feel the effect.

Come on people. Is this necessary?

Next, a woman jogging ahead of me dropped the wrapper from her snack down a sewer grate. Within one block there were several garbage receptacles. And, even if there weren't, it's not that difficult to take a wrapper home and dispose of it properly.

This may be our gym outside, but we need to respect it as an environment that many people enjoy.

The neon arrows and "15k" neon markers reflect a colossal sense of entitlement.

I wrote about this last year and now my mission is to find out who is doing it and ask them to stop.

So...if there is anything that makes you grouchy while you are out walking, feel free to post here so that while I'm up to bat I can take a swing for you.



At July 27, 2009 10:12 AM , Blogger Laurel said...

Social walkers and other runners who feel the need to walk or run 4 abreast even when they see me coming all by myself and I am forced to moved over to the side....yes it is not garbage or defacement but it makes me peeved.

At September 12, 2009 4:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walkers & Joggers who insist on using the ROAD instead of the sidewalks really peeve me. We pay good taxes in Oakville to keep the sidewalks maintained. Those on FOOT should use them, not make angry faces at the DRIVERS that are having difficulty avoiding them, as they walk / run two abreast on the ROAD.

At November 18, 2009 11:01 AM , Blogger Wow Power Walking Founder said...

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At November 18, 2009 11:04 AM , Blogger Wow Power Walking Founder said...

Many people who have never trained to run or walk a race do not know that we run and walk on the road because the asphalt surface is easier on our bodies than the concrete of the sidewalks. Also, many sidewalks are not maintained and end in dramatic fashion with no where to go.

I would say that, on the whole, our public space is designed for cars not pedestrians. Because pedestrians are at much greater risk of DEATH, all people in cars should be watching for pedestrians.

Obviously, pedestrians need to be sensitive to their use of the roads, and in an ideal world, our sidewalks and paths would be maintained so that it is the preferential place for walkers and runners to be.

November 18, 2009 11:01 AM


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